Questionnaire AInterested in sharing your views and feedback on benefits and concerns of TIS-B? Please submit the below form. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Representing company If hold an official position within aviation organisation What EC equipment do you typically use in aircraft that you fly? Permanently installed ADS-B out Permanently installed ADS-B in Portable ADS-B out (e.g. SkyEcho2) Portable ADS-B in (e.g. SkyEcho2) Other EC device (e.g. PilotAware) Mode S transponder Mode A/C transponder Other If selected "Other" in previous question – provide details Qualifications held PPL LAPL CPL MEP IR Aircraft typically flown SEP, 6 seats or less MEP, 6 seats or less SEP, 7 seats or more MEP, 7 seats or more Other If selected "Other" in previous question – provide details Describe what methods do you consciously use to mitigate risks of an airprox when flying Answers may vary from strategic steps during flight planning to tactical responses during flight using EC How well are you aware about the limitations of your EC device? I expect that widespread implementation of TIS-B is likely to improve the benefits from my EC device Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Share any other thoughts you have related to improving situational awareness and flight safety via use of EC devices and enhancing their benefits through TIS-B Thank you!